An emerging healthcare company with fantastic potential

This video was produced by Livewire Markets and published on, 1 April 2021

Volatility is a given in equity markets, it is the price we pay to achieve higher returns over the long term. Finding ‘all-weather’ industries that survive the inevitable volatility and come out the other side in better shape is a popular strategy. Sinclair Currie, portfolio manager at NovaPort Capital, says Healthcare is one example of a classic ‘all-weather’ sector.

“Healthcare is something we all value. We all want to live happy, healthy, contented, and long lives. It is a superior good.”

The challenge is that superior goods often come with a premium price tag, which is certainly the case with most established healthcare stocks. 

In this short video, Sinclair discusses ‘all-weather’ sectors, how to get ahead of the pack by investing in early-stage companies and he shares an example of an emerging healthcare company that he believes has fantastic potential. 

You can learn more from Sinclair Currie and NovaPort in this recent video about sorting the “fakers” from the “makers”.

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